Dianabol has been the most popular oral anabolic steroid of all time. It is also considered by many to be the best anabolic steroid on earth for several reasons.
Dianabol is very fast acting which means you can see results in days rather than weeks or months like other steroids. Many athletes have come to appreciate this aspect alone as it makes their cycling schedule much easier when they can see changes in such a short time span. One study even found that Dianabol users experience a noticeable strength increase in only two weeks!
That's an amazing feat considering most oral steroids have no effect until at least 6 weeks of use and some even longer than that. Another reason for its popularity is the fact that this steroid aromatizes heavily, yet does not carry with it many of the common side effects you would find with other steroids because of this.
In fact, Dianabol has carried the best rating possible from athletes for years simply because it produces noticeable results while being mild to the system. It doesn't require high dosages either to produce wonderful gains. Plus, Dianabol will not reduce endogenous testosterone production if it's used responsibly. It is truly one of the best all-around steroids on earth that can be used safely by men or women.
Dianabol is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid of all time. That makes sense considering this compound turned bodybuilders into monsters in the 60's and 70's when it was first introduced to athletes. However, some people consider this drug obsolete because they feel human growth hormone carries with it the same anabolic power of dianabol.
The difference between these two compounds lies in the fact that growth hormone has a much slower onset while also having a much longer lasting effect once administered…which means you won't see nearly as fast results during your first cycle as you would dianabol…but those gains also last a lot longer.
In other words, Dianabol is vastly superior to human growth hormone for fast acting results while growth hormone is superior to Dianabol for long lasting benefits. Either way, neither of these compounds will fail to produce amazing results due to their ability to dramatically improve protein synthesis and nitrogen retention resulting in massive muscle gain.
Dianabol carries with it a strong anabolic rating of 525-630 which makes it one of the most powerful drugs of all time. That said, you have probably been told at some point that this compound has a very weak androgenic rate compared with many steroids on earth…and that's true.
Dianabol only carries an androgenic rating of 24, but that doesn't mean you won't experience side effects with this compound. You will still need to keep an eye on your cholesterol levels as you can expect to see a rise in LDL (bad cholesterol) and a drop in HDL (good cholesterol). Your blood pressure is also something that should be monitored closely due to dianabol being so powerful because high blood pressure can be a common side effect.
Dianabol users often report an enormous gain in strength during their first week or two of use thanks largely to its ability to dramatically improve nitrogen retention. It's this same feature which allows the rapid buildup of cell volume resulting in that smooth, full look overall. Many athletes have come to love dianabol simply for its ability to rapidly build mass and strength.
Dianabol is also great for stimulating the release of growth hormone due to its ability to adversely affect the natural release cycle of this highly anabolic hormone. No, dianabol doesn't carry with it direct effects on growth hormone like HCG or Clomid do but it does greatly increase levels of IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor) which in turn stimulates natural GH production.
Dianabol is not one of the easiest oral steroids for bodybuilders to gain massive weight because it has a strong effect on increasing protein synthesis while at the same time having little effect on nitrogen retention or water retention. For that reason, many athletes will stack this compound with other steroids such as Anadrol 50 or d-bol as well as injectable growth hormone. In this way, you can see dianabol is very versatile and can be used with a number of other compounds depending on the desired results…the most common being bulking or cutting cycles.
As with many steroids, there are several different forms of dianabol available today which vary greatly in price and quality. To find high quality products at a great price today, look no further than your local pharmacy because that's right – Dianabol is now behind the counter at all pharmacies across America! You will need to present a doctor's prescription in order to legally purchase this product, but once you own it you can buy as much or as little as you like.
Once again; be sure that the pharmacy fills your script with vials of ready-to-inject liquid dianabol because some pharmacies sell oral versions which must be taken on a full stomach…and I'm certain nobody wants that! If by chance you are asked by the pharmacist why you need dianabol consider telling them something along the lines of bodybuilding/weight gain so they don't have to worry about legal issues.
As for how long Dianabol is detectable in the urine following use, this depends greatly on whether or not it is being used alone or in conjunction with other steroids. When dianabol is used by itself, the detection time is said to be around four weeks. The reason being that when dianabol is only used by itself it stays active in the system for much longer periods of time.
On the other hand, if you are using dianabol as part of a stack or cycle it should clear your body within two months following use. Dianabol can be detected in both blood and urine samples for up to six weeks after cessation of use making this drug one of the most easily traced anabolic steroids on earth.
It's this same feature which allows the rapid buildup of cell volume resulting in that smooth, full look overall…many athletes have come to love dianabol simply for its ability to rapidly build mass and strength.
As with most orally administered anabolic steroids Dianabol has a very strong hepatoxic effect on the body, liver values should therefore be monitored on a weekly basis during use to avoid damage. User also report that dianabol aromatizes heavily causing additional stress on the issue of water retention for those who are prone to gynecomastia (the formation of female like breast tissue).
As estrogen levels increase dianabol will cause additional water retention in users; some of which may be permanent. However, this is not one of the worst offenders in terms of estrogenic activity; it's actually quite mild compared to many steroids currently available. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) like Arimidex could certainly be used if water retention becomes a problem, but it's probably not necessary for most men.
If you are just starting your bodybuilding career or perhaps considering taking up the sport for the first time, dianabol can help you make great gains in both strength and size. Remember to keep your doses reasonable, take the supplement daily as recommended by manufacturers, and cycle no longer than six weeks at a time…feel free to stack with other products as desired.
Dianabol is one of the most popular steroids available today; it has strong anabolic effects which can lead to extremely rapid weight gain in athletes…and even greater weight gain in female patients (females should only use this steroid for short periods of time).
Dianabol also has powerful androgenic properties which can produce very fast muscle growth in the male physique; tissue which is difficult to develop through natural training alone. Furthermore, Dianabol also does not require large doses making it extremely affordable and cost-effective for those who wish to enjoy its benefits.
Dianabol has a number of potential side effects but thankfully most are only experienced during periods of high estrogen levels caused by aromatization .
The most common Dianabol side effects include:
· Gynecomastia (the formation of female like breast tissue)
· Water retention leading to high blood pressure
· Excessive water weight gain unrelated to fat loss which often leads to an undesirable "soft" look.
This problem can be rectified by the use of an AI like Arimidex during periods of high dosing, but it's still best to stack dianabol with other products for optimal results.
Dianabol also suppresses natural testosterone production in users which can lead to low energy levels and a lack of sex drive…all it takes is one missed dose and you could feel as though you've hit rock bottom. It's important to remember that Dianabol only suppresses natural testosterone production and does not shut it down entirely. Some users may wish to supplement with HCG or Clomid/Nolvadex during use and the post-cycle "crash" period in order to restore one's natural hormone levels as quickly as possible.
Dianabol can be detected in both blood and urine samples for up to six weeks after cessation of use making this drug one of the most easily traced anabolic steroids on earth.
Scientists began experimenting with Dianabol as a performance enhancing product as early as the mid 1950s, dianabol first appeared on the scene as a prescription medication for those suffering from low red blood cell count back in 1958. Of course, only a handful of people knew the truth about this experimental medication until several years later.
Dianabol was actually one of four anabolic steroids (along with testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, and methyltestosterone) developed by American pharmaceutical company Ciba back in 1958. The release of Dianabol actually represented the very first steroid to be introduced to the U.S market; its release was closely followed by Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin), Stanozolol (Winstroll), Oxymetholone (Anadrol), and others like it in very short order.
Dianabol is a derivative of Testosterone differing only by the addition of a methyl group at the 17 th carbon position. Dianabol also contains the same 2-hydroxymethylene group which is present in all C17 alpha alkylated oral steroids; this allows the hormone to resist breakdown by the liver thus making it orally active…this is one of its main benefits as an oral steroid.
Of course, Dianabol was not alone in creating a demand for faster acting anabolic compounds; Stanozolol (Winstrol) had already made headlines with its rapid gains and short ester attached to its chemical structure. Combine both products together and you have something which can only be described as miraculous…a drug capable of massive weight gain within a very short period of time along with major strength increases!
Conversely, many of the athletes who had access to this early form of dianabol experienced major side effects…most notably estrogenic related. It was not uncommon for users to develop gynecomastia in as little as three weeks, this often led them to discontinue use immediately. However, those who persevered through the pain and suffering forged new records at every competition, earning the right to claim that they were one of Dianabol's first men.
Dianabol has remained very popular even into modern times where it remains available today despite rigorous testing methods designed to snuff it out. The drug gained a foothold once again during the 1970s when athletes continued using low dose cycles with great success. The only problem with these low dose cycles was the fact that it took much longer to see results and performance gains began to plateau.
Dianabol can be used in combination with many other steroids as well as human growth hormone (HGH), insulin, and/or clenbuterol; it is often stacked with Anavar for cutting cycles or added into Roids programs such as Deca Durabolin (Deca) and Equipoise (EQ).
It's also commonly run during steroid precursors such as Testosterone Propionate and Boldenone Undecylenate at a dosage of 25 – 50 mg each day. While Dianabol does convert to estrogen, low doses will rarely cause problems…however, massive doses over 100mg per day could cause some major estrogenic related side effects.
Dianabol will still produce results when used without other steroids, though the gains are often much slower in coming and less dramatic overall. The drug can serve its purpose for hard gainers or stack well with many other steroids to increase their effectiveness. However, it's most commonly run in conjunction with another steroid (such as testosterone).
As mentioned, Dianabol stacks very well with Testosterone due to the fact that it helps to reduce SHBG in the body allowing more free testosterone to remain unbound; this greatly increases the anabolic activity of all steroids taken along with Dianabol.
When using Dianabol alone for physique purposes I often recommend dosages of 25-50mg per day for 6 weeks. This is a good dose for those who are first timers, or those whom have already used a similar steroid. Of course results will vary from individual to individual as with any drug, but the above represents a great starting point.
Dianabol can be taken morning, noon and night…however most users find that splitting up the dosage into three equal amounts per day provides best results as opposed to taking it all at once. The half-life itself of Dianabol Is only around 3 hours so administration is going to have to occur every few hours in order to maintain sufficient blood levels.
The average Dianabol cycle will consist of 6 – 8 weeks of use at a dosage range of 25 – 100mg each day depending on the specific goals of the user. Dianabol stacks very well with many other steroids and can be combined with both testosterone as well as less common anabolic steroids such as Anavar, Winstrol, Primobolan Depot and Equipoise.
Dianabol is a c17-alpha alkylated compound meaning that it has been altered in order to survive oral ingestion and passage through the liver into the bloodstream; without this alteration it would largely be destroyed by the body's natural enzymes before ever reaching systemic circulation.
This feature of Dianabol makes it a poor choice for those who have problems with their liver or those who are taking medications which also have to pass through the liver. In fact, most users will find that they to avoid certain over-the-counter drugs while using this steroid simply because of the added strain it will place on their liver.
Dianabol is also methylated; as with all anabolic steroids, if you are taking medication for any sort of blood disorder or have a history of liver problems I would not recommend use. Likewise, diabetics should be cautious when using this steroid due to its ability to lower glucose tolerance and cause spikes in blood sugar levels.
As well, cholesterol issues are highly likely with Dianabol use given that it can reduce HDL cholesterol (the good kind) by up to 20%. Like all C-17 alpha alkylated steroids Dianabol is toxic to the liver and shouldn't be used without thorough research into its effects on your body both long-term and short-term.
Dianabol is a very effective cutting steroid when used by itself, however when stacked with another anabolic steroid for cutting purposes it becomes outstanding. Anadrol stacked with Dianabol is one of the most effective oral steroid stacks amongst experienced users in this regard though testosterone will prove to be even more efficient in terms of adding quality mass.
However, when combined with other steroids Dianabol proves to be highly efficient at adding great strength and improving the overall look of the user; while it's not quite as important during cutting phases due to the fact that hard definition won't occur until body fat levels are extremely low, it does provide a harder look for most people despite what they may think since water retention is usually minimal.
Dianabol is a c17-alpha alkylated oral steroid so it has the same hepatoxicity issues associated with all drugs of this nature. Liver values such as GGT, SGPT and SGOT should be monitored before, during and after use since any increase could indicate damage to liver tissue; for this reason only milder steroids such as Primobolan or Equipoise should ever be stacked with Dianabol save your liver from unnecessary stress.
If you experience anything out of the ordinary while using Dianabol (such as the inability to sleep, lethargy) discontinue use immediately and if symptoms persist see your doctor. This also applies even if you feel like you can power through it; high pressure is common with this steroid.
Methanabolic Review
100 tabs 10mg/tab • methandrostenolone methandienone by Asia Pharma
Methanabolic by Asia Pharma
Asia Pharma Company produces the popular Methanabolic tablets. Methandrostenolone is the active compound found in the Methanabolic Tablets (Dianabol). Daily 15mg to 40 mg dose of the particular steroid is to be taken, dividing it into 4 to 5 doses. This should continue for 8 to 10 weeks and should not be prolonged more than this period.
Methanabolic oral tablets help bodybuilder to gain strength and muscle size. Methanabolic retains water and aromatize fast and there can be dosage jumps without much difficulty. Females should abstain from using Methanabolic tablets because they are high in androgenic properties. Methanabolic tablets in heavy dosage can induce insomnia in many users. In spite being the second most effective steroid to bodybuilders, it is also very infamous for its C17-alpha-alkyl content, which makes it a very toxic drug for the users and affects the liver severely.
If taken with caution this steroid can be a real boon to its user by giving him extra ordinary strength and mass. To rescue the user from any kind of harsh effect of this particular steroid, it is recommended to use Legalon and Proviron. Methanabolic tablets can also be combined with Deca Durabolin and Testosterone for best results.
Methanabolic tablets are usually weak agonists of androgen receptors (AR) and have poor binding. The value should come from non-AR accelerated effects. So it is designated as a Class II steroid as it is incapable of activating the ARs. Hence it is compiled with Class I steroids like trenbolone acetate, Primobolan and Deca Durabolin which are beneficial in this regard. It should not be stacked with Anadrol for sale because Anadrol and Methanabolic have same type of activity.
Deca Durabolin and Testosterone are basically stacked with Methanabolic tablets ( Diabanol) whereas Anadrol is stacked with Trenbolone acetate or Primobolan though here also Dianabol is more effective because it has aromatizing power which is absent in Anadrol. If the user follows an Dianabol cycle he should go for Anadrol for more effective results.
The Deca Durabolin dosage will be 150mg per day equally distributed 3 to 6 times all throughout the day. Via aromatase, Methanabolic changes into estradiol. Arimidex usage can minimize the amount of its conversion whereas if the conversion is continued, Clomid should be introduced to reduce the bad estrogenic effects. For females who consume anabolic steroids, taking Dianabol is not a wise decision. Many of them experience irreversible hoarsening of voice with taking a few pills of Dianabol for sale.
Even males should not use Dianabol more than 25-50 mg/day that too divided into 4 to 5 doses. It is a 17-alkylated drug hence the usage should be restricted. Its usage should be discontinued within 6 weeks. It will be preferred if it is stopped within 4 weeks with similar amount of intervals.
Metanabol Review
100 tabs 5mg/tab • methandrostenolone metandienone by Jelfa
Metanabol by Jelfa
Dianabol finds its usage as the highest used steroid orally. The composition of Dianabol is basically methanedienone or methandrostenolone. Dianabol, better known as D-bol is always called 'The Breakfast of Champions'. Dianabol is very much effective in building up a muscular body because it has lower water retention facility.
While doing stack cycles the body builder basically notices an increase in power and strength. A very tough anabolic steroid, Dianabol, have medium to high level of androgenic effects. Most often users take Dianabol with Winstrol for sale while in steroid cycles. If Dianabol is taken properly any side effect can be averted. C-17th carbon configuration is absent in it so there are lesser chances of occurring hepatoxicity.
This steroid enhances anaerobic glycolysis and hence there is higher production of lactic acid in the body. The process is useful because muscles in the body to create glycogen that give energy to anerobic metabolism. Excess amount of fat is removed from the user’s body because Dianabol produces lactic acid, which in turn removes dietary carbohydrates. Dianabol has been very effective in treating Osteoporosis disease than calcium supplements.
It does an important task of hightening the levels of calcium and potassium inside the body of the users. Large amount of creatine and amino acids are transported with the help of Calcium important for muscle growth. Potassium helps in transmission of nerve signals, insulin release and muscle contractions. Dianabol is also suggested for cancer patients while they are given radiotherapy. Appropriate forms of steroid cycle are to be pursued to get the utmost benefit of Dianobol.
A novice will take 4 capsules daily for 8 weeks. Dianabol has a very short half-life so the daily dose is spread evenly throughout the entire day. Most body builders take it 3 to 4 times along with their meals. Others take them at one time just half an hour before the workout session. Increase in performance and vigor is noted during this time. There some instructors who suggest taking Dianabol for 10 weeks in low doses for the best outcome. Dianabol is best combined with deca durabolin and testosterone.
100 tabs 5mg/tab • methandrostenolone metandienone by Jelfa
Metanabol by Jelfa
Dianabol finds its usage as the highest used steroid orally. The composition of Dianabol is basically methanedienone or methandrostenolone. Dianabol, better known as D-bol is always called 'The Breakfast of Champions'. Dianabol is very much effective in building up a muscular body because it has lower water retention facility.
While doing stack cycles the body builder basically notices an increase in power and strength. A very tough anabolic steroid, Dianabol, have medium to high level of androgenic effects. Most often users take Dianabol with Winstrol for sale while in steroid cycles. If Dianabol is taken properly any side effect can be averted. C-17th carbon configuration is absent in it so there are lesser chances of occurring hepatoxicity.
This steroid enhances anaerobic glycolysis and hence there is higher production of lactic acid in the body. The process is useful because muscles in the body to create glycogen that give energy to anerobic metabolism. Excess amount of fat is removed from the user’s body because Dianabol produces lactic acid, which in turn removes dietary carbohydrates. Dianabol has been very effective in treating Osteoporosis disease than calcium supplements.
It does an important task of hightening the levels of calcium and potassium inside the body of the users. Large amount of creatine and amino acids are transported with the help of Calcium important for muscle growth. Potassium helps in transmission of nerve signals, insulin release and muscle contractions. Dianabol is also suggested for cancer patients while they are given radiotherapy. Appropriate forms of steroid cycle are to be pursued to get the utmost benefit of Dianobol.
A novice will take 4 capsules daily for 8 weeks. Dianabol has a very short half-life so the daily dose is spread evenly throughout the entire day. Most body builders take it 3 to 4 times along with their meals. Others take them at one time just half an hour before the workout session. Increase in performance and vigor is noted during this time. There some instructors who suggest taking Dianabol for 10 weeks in low doses for the best outcome. Dianabol is best combined with deca durabolin and testosterone.

Danabol DS Review
500 tabs 10mg/tab • methandrostenolone methandienone
Danabol DS by March Pharmaceutical
Danabol DS is the version manufactured by the March Pharmaceuticals. It is available in bottles of 500 tablets where each tablet is of 10mg. Total 500mg quantity of Danabol DS is present in each bottle.
Danabol DS has great effect on protein metabolism and is orally taken. It initiates protein synthesis and hence helps in building up of protein in the body. It has positive nitrogen balance and helps in the overall wellbeing of the user. Danabol DS has both androgenic and anabolic effects.
Danabol DS is the most famous anabolic steroid available in the market. Its popularity arises from its capability to give instant and strong anabolic effects. For stunning Dianabol results, one should take 4 to 5 tablets regularly. It is usually combined with testosterone enanthate and deca durabolin.
With strong anabolic symptoms there are androgenic effects too. Users of this steroid report of wellbeing. A strong androgenic and anabolic element, Danabol DS is very effective in producing dramatic gain in strength and muscle size.
Endurance ability and glycogen retention are also the benefits of this product. Numerous side-effects are also attached with this drug. Danabol DS is alpha alkylated 17 compounds, which makes it a very toxic substance to the liver. If taken orally it should range from 15mg to 30 mg daily. But if it is taken in injectable form, then a dose of 50mg to 100mg should be taken weekly. Many body builders think it as the most useful oral steroid. They regard it as the “Breakfast of the Champions”.
Next to Anadrol 50, Dianabol finds its usage in building up of size and power within a short time span. However, it is not endowed with severe side effects like Anadrol 50. An oral steroid, Danabol DS is very effective on protein metabolism. Danabol DS is bestowed with both anabolic and androgenic elements and hence it helps in building strength and mass in muscles very effectively.
Nolvadex and Proviron control its negative side effects like aromatizing and excess water retention. Athletes should take dose of 15-40 mg daily. But beginners should not use more than 15-20 mg daily, which is more than enough for achieving the dreamt result within 8 to 10 weeks. The Anadrol half life is 3.2 - 4.5 hours and so it is advised to take this drug twice daily. The Anadrol dosage should be evenly distributed. To avert gastrointestinal pains, instructors recommend taking this drug along with food.
There are symptoms of virilization and females should strictly avoid using this drug. There can be strong Dianabol side effects from this drug. But it can be averted if a low dose of 20 mg is taken a day. Danabol DS affects the liver largely. If continued in high dose or for a prolonged period, Danabol Ds can prove toxic to the liver. Even a very mild dose of 10mg can increase the values of the liver but after the discontinuation of the drug the values return to normalcy easily.
500 tabs 10mg/tab • methandrostenolone methandienone
Danabol DS by March Pharmaceutical
Danabol DS is the version manufactured by the March Pharmaceuticals. It is available in bottles of 500 tablets where each tablet is of 10mg. Total 500mg quantity of Danabol DS is present in each bottle.
Danabol DS has great effect on protein metabolism and is orally taken. It initiates protein synthesis and hence helps in building up of protein in the body. It has positive nitrogen balance and helps in the overall wellbeing of the user. Danabol DS has both androgenic and anabolic effects.
Danabol DS is the most famous anabolic steroid available in the market. Its popularity arises from its capability to give instant and strong anabolic effects. For stunning Dianabol results, one should take 4 to 5 tablets regularly. It is usually combined with testosterone enanthate and deca durabolin.
With strong anabolic symptoms there are androgenic effects too. Users of this steroid report of wellbeing. A strong androgenic and anabolic element, Danabol DS is very effective in producing dramatic gain in strength and muscle size.
Endurance ability and glycogen retention are also the benefits of this product. Numerous side-effects are also attached with this drug. Danabol DS is alpha alkylated 17 compounds, which makes it a very toxic substance to the liver. If taken orally it should range from 15mg to 30 mg daily. But if it is taken in injectable form, then a dose of 50mg to 100mg should be taken weekly. Many body builders think it as the most useful oral steroid. They regard it as the “Breakfast of the Champions”.
Next to Anadrol 50, Dianabol finds its usage in building up of size and power within a short time span. However, it is not endowed with severe side effects like Anadrol 50. An oral steroid, Danabol DS is very effective on protein metabolism. Danabol DS is bestowed with both anabolic and androgenic elements and hence it helps in building strength and mass in muscles very effectively.
Nolvadex and Proviron control its negative side effects like aromatizing and excess water retention. Athletes should take dose of 15-40 mg daily. But beginners should not use more than 15-20 mg daily, which is more than enough for achieving the dreamt result within 8 to 10 weeks. The Anadrol half life is 3.2 - 4.5 hours and so it is advised to take this drug twice daily. The Anadrol dosage should be evenly distributed. To avert gastrointestinal pains, instructors recommend taking this drug along with food.
There are symptoms of virilization and females should strictly avoid using this drug. There can be strong Dianabol side effects from this drug. But it can be averted if a low dose of 20 mg is taken a day. Danabol DS affects the liver largely. If continued in high dose or for a prolonged period, Danabol Ds can prove toxic to the liver. Even a very mild dose of 10mg can increase the values of the liver but after the discontinuation of the drug the values return to normalcy easily.